Wake County residents wanting a pistol permit or concealed carry permit can go online to initiate that application process.
Posted 2014-02-23T22:50:43+00:00 - Updated 2014-02-24T18:38:58+00:00 Wake County offers online gun permitsWake County residents wanting a pistol permit or concealed carry permit can now go online to start the application process.
The Wake County Sheriff's Office has made the paperwork available online for download, so that those seeking a permit can download the forms and fill them out before presenting them to officials. Applicants can pay for their permits online as well, but they will be charged a convenience fee for doing so.
Capt. Jimmy Stevens said Sunday that permit applications can still be completed in person at the sheriff's office, at 330 South Salisbury St. in Raleigh, between 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekdays.
All applicants must eventually appear in person, with their completed application and valid ID. Applicants for a concealed carry permit must also complete a mental health form and have their fingerprints taken.