[How should one go about confessing their sins to God? From the example of David, a good place to begin is. ]
[As we seek forgiveness, we must of course. ]
[As we confess our sins, there is more that we should bear in mind. From David we learn that we should also. ]
[Understanding what God wants of us helps us to appreciate what David goes on to say. Indeed, confession of sins should also mean that we. ]
[As we consider further David's confession of sin, we find it proper to. ]
[Finally, as we come to the end of David's psalm, we find that "The Art Of Confessing Our Sins" includes that we. ]
The Christian who confesses his sins is the truly happy individual ("Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven. "), for they have the assurance of salvation (cf. 1Jn 1:9).
Have you confessed your sins to God today?