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Barnstead New Hampshire

DIRECTV® RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMER AGREEMENT THIS DESCRIBES THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF YOUR RECEIPT OF AND PAYMENT FOR DIRECTV® SERVICE. THIS AGREEMENT REQUIRES THE USE OF ARBITRATION ON AN INDIVIDUAL BASIS TO RESOLVE DISPUTES, RATHER THAN JURY TRIALS OR CLASS ACTIONS (SEE SECTION 8), AND ALSO LIMITS THE REMEDIES AVAILABLE TO YOU IN THE EVENT OF A DISPUTE (SEE SECTION 7). BY USING DIRECTV SERVICE, YOU AGREE: (A) THAT YOU HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND THIS AGREEMENT AND AGREE TO ITS TERMS; (B) THAT YOU ARE 18 YEARS OF AGE OR OLDER; (C) TO THE AT&T ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY (; (D) TO THE AT&T PRIVACY POLICY (; AND (E) TO THE AT&T ACCESS ID TERMS OF SERVICE, ( PLEASE CAREFULLY READ THESE DOCUMENTS TO ENSURE THAT YOU UNDERSTAND EACH PROVISION. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THESE TERMS, PLEASE NOTIFY US IMMEDIATELY AND WE WILL CANCEL YOUR ORDER OR SERVICE SUBJECT TO APPLICABLE CANCELLATION TERMS AND/OR FEES (SECTION 5). IF YOU INSTEAD DECIDE TO RECEIVE OUR SERVICE, IT WILL MEAN THAT YOU ACCEPT THESE TERMS AND THEY WILL BE LEGALLY BINDING. THE EQUIPMENT LEASE AGREEMENT, AVAILABLE AT ATT.COM, GOVERNS YOUR RECEIPT, USE, AND RETURN OF RECEIVING EQUIPMENT. TO VIEW BOTH AGREEMENTS IN SPANISH, VISIT ATT.COM/ACUERDO OR CALL 1-888- 388-6622 TO REQUEST A PRINTED COPY. (VISITE A ATT.COM/ ACUERDO O LLAME AL 1- 888-388-6622 PARA SOLICITAR ESTE DOCUMENTO.) CONTACTING DIRECTV: You may contact us at 1-800-288-2020 and speak your request into our Automated Phone System, e.g., for technical issues – say “technical”; for on-screen messages – say the extension or message you see on your TV screen; to pay your bill – say “pay my bill”; for programming questions – say the name of the package or service, etc. For bill inquires, call hours are 8am – 1am (your local time) 7 days a week. If your bill for DIRECTV Service comes from a party other than DIRECTV or AT&T, please use the contact information provided on your bill for any questions about your DIRECTV Service. Thank you for choosing DIRECTV. DIRECTV and its parent, affiliates, subsidiaries and employees (defined here collectively as “DIRECTV” and referred to as “DIRECTV” or “we”) provide digital satellite entertainment programming and services (referred to collectively as “Service”) to residents of the United States. We do not provide, and you may not receive or use, Service at an address or location outside of the United States. CUSTOMER AGREEMENT 1. OUR SERVICE These are the terms on which we will provide you Service: