Give your views on new planning guide for Royal Greenwich

We’re asking local people, designers and developers to share their views on a new planning guide which will help shape future development in the borough.

The borough’s new Urban Design Guide Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) provides detailed guidance on the design of buildings, streets and spaces, which is used to help decide planning applications. It provides advice on the design of household extensions, retail and office developments, and green spaces, alongside key issues such as sustainability, parking, lighting and managing flood risk.

• encourage the design of accessible, sustainable buildings and places, which promote physical and mental health

• help to deliver net zero carbon standards for all major developments and protect biodiversity

• promote a ‘retrofit first’ approach to design, reusing existing buildings and structures wherever possible

• help residents in designing house extensions and alterations

Cllr Aidan Smith, Cabinet Member for Regeneration, said: “This planning guidance is vital to encouraging sustainable, well designed and inclusive development in our borough, and also protecting our unique natural and historic environment.

“We want to hear from a wide range of people to ensure the SPD reflects your priorities for how development in our borough looks and feels. It’s an important part of the vision in Our Greenwich, to make sure our communities feel heard.”

Key proposals from the draft SPD are summarised on or you can download a copy of the draft SPD. Once you’ve read more, you can share your views through our questionnaire.

You can also find a copy of the draft SPD and more information on display at the Eltham Centre, Greenwich Centre, Thamesmere and Woolwich Centre libraries. Paper copies of the questionnaires are also available in the libraries.

The consultation is open until 5pm on Tuesday 11 April 2023.