Preparing young women to make a difference in the world

We have created a school where girls are bold, joyful, and full-voiced in being themselves.

Walker’s girls have the integrity to pursue excellence, the courage to learn from failure, and the creativity and conviction to pursue their goals. They value community and know how to take action that impacts their world. This is what it means to be a leader.

We have an extraordinary faculty, beautiful campus facilities, and the vision to offer an education that is truly transformational. I know from my experience as a college professor at Brown University that graduates of all-girls’ schools are more likely than peers from co-ed schools to speak up and pursue their passions with confidence. That is because everything we do is designed to teach girls to take advantage of every opportunity — in their education and in life.

The work we do at Walker’s is a calling. Come visit our campus and meet our students; sit in on a class and explore the arts, athletics, and community initiatives at work in our Centennial Center. I hope that you, too, will be called to join us.”

Meera Viswanathan

Dr. Meera Viswanathan
Head of School